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Review: Ande – De Schemering Van Werelden


Review by Jeger

Ande – De Schemering Van Werelden

Record Label: Naturmacht Productions

Year: 2025

Rating: 8.5/10

The sacred dusk is when all is calm and one can peacefully reflect on their day or the trajectory of their life. As the golden sun eases into the backdrop of the horizon’s bound and the approaching night beckons forth your heart’s blessed yearning, let it be to the sound of true atmospheric Black Metal done the Belgian way. Belgium’s Ande was formed in 2015, and thus far boasts three LPs with their latest assuring its promise of the turning of the annual. On January 31, 2025, Ande will harken the eve with their brand new full-length studio LP, “De Schemering van Werelden” (Twilight of Worlds) via Naturmacht Productions.

Atmospheric BM of the boldest consortium as opposed to the conventional ethereal variety that we’ve become accustomed to taking in from bands like Marrasmieli and Grima is what you’ll find here: heavier distortion, commanding cadences and overbearing atmosphere. Not overwhelming or gaudy; it more like a drenching rain instead of a crystalline mist. An opus of the eve! To be taken in by candlelit sills or hearth-lit quarters as you ponder life and experience powerful emotions: longing and passion, yearning and awe of our mysterious existence. With lyrics and song titles in Dutch – the native tongue – the true Black Metal way, expect a most cultural experience; one that commands your undivided attention as the epic “De Schemering” plays out like a soundtrack to your greatest epiphany. Gracefully melodic and delectably patient from beginning to end. Sweet and robust like a finely aged Scotch; warming you over and tucking you into the coziest corners of your consciousness. In a trance state now… The pulse of the night in rhythm to folkish, almost tribal rhythms during the following track, “De zonderlingen”. Like a peyote trip in the presence of great spirits of the wood on this the eve of mystification’s spell.




Sinisterly beginning the next chapter – “De wraak van het bos” – an organically proper follower in its gravitational un-forgiveness. Tantrum-like DM-laden vocals akin to those of Jeff Walker (Carcass) compound a formerly tranquil experience now seething with frantic intensity. And so the experience morphs and mutates with every bulldozing bass-heavy progression; shifting the mood from enchantment into an unbridled rage, but inevitably returning to its core form as a deeply soulful recording where the melodies soar and the harmonies danse the night. Under the gaze of the silver moon and unaware of your woes now as we transcend worldly things and tune in to the majesty of the cosmos.

“De Schemering van Werelden” is not your typical atmospheric BM album: no overindulgent keyboard overlays or overtly unconventional instruments. Ande relies on the sheer strength of their compositions to provide all the atmosphere one could expect. Black Metal for the weight of the dusk sun as it sinks into nighttime and for an artist’s passion. Inspirational! Enough to inspire you to strike up a drum circle bonfire and lose yourself in the beat. The power of evening’s sway incarnates into rich and quixotically brutal Black Metal that steamrolls and powers ahead with unprecedented momentum. Arise! Soak in the final rays of the day and romanticize the precious nature of your own fiery essence with Ande and “De Schemering van Werelden”.


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